Solid Rain modelo UNIQUE




90% less in WATER

Not lost by FILTRATION

- LOSS of WATER by evaporation



Product Description

Solid Rain

It is called SOLID RAIN to Potassium acrylate, a polymer made from Potassium NO TOXIC, which is presented in a white granular state. The great absorbing capacity of SOLID RAIN allows you to store up to 500 times its weight in water, solidifying it. Once the acrylate is hydrated for use, it is dispersed around the seedling or seed, where according to the particular needs of each crop, the acrylate gradually releases water. With the traditional forms of irrigation, irrigation by flooding, by sprinkling or by dripping, a great amount of water is lost due to the filtrations to the subsoil, without being harnessed to the maximum by the crop. SOLID RAIN reduces drastically these losses up to 90%, optimizing the use of the resource, fertilizers and other products, which also reduces costs and time in the maintenance of irrigation and pumping equipment, as well as in the hand of qualified work for the work, resulting in more profitable crops. SOLID RAIN comes in 3 types of granulation, apparent for different uses. Fine granulation: Used in very dry soils (desert soil). Average granulation: Suitable for all agricultural purposes. Thick granulation: Ideal where there is more water, for storage as a solid. The shelf life of the product is indefinite. The duration of the product in use is up to 10 years, depending on the characteristics of the soil and water. At the end of its lifecycle SOLID RAIN degrades in non-toxic potassium and carbon, so it is also 100% degradable.

Altura: 0.

Longitud: 0.

Peso: 0.

Technical Information

  • Presentation: Solid granular
  • Color: Black
  • pH: Neutral
  • Density: 0.7-0.85
  • Solubility in Water: Insoluble
  • Storage: Undefined
  • Absorption time: Approx. 45 min. depending on the grain
  • Humidity: 5.87%
  • Composition: Polyacrylamide 94.13%
  • Time of life: Up to 10 years.
  • Size: Fine (0.05 to 0.3 mm.), Medium (0.35 to 0.5 mm.) And Thick (1.7 to 4.0 mm.)
  • Packing: 250 grm, 500 grm, 1 Kg, 5 Kg, 10 Kg, 15 Kg, 20 Kg y 25 Kg.